If you want to conquer e-commerce, you need to start with the giants – Amazon and Walmart.com. Of course, doing so can be pretty daunting. Where do you even start? We can help. At Legend, we offer Amazon and Walmart digital marketing solutions to fit any need and any brand.

An Expert Digital Marketing Team

Our team has years of e-commerce advertising experience. We put that to work on your behalf, building your brand, and getting your products in front of the right customers.

A Customized Strategy

We understand that each client is different, and we develop custom Amazon and Walmart digital marketing strategies to match your unique needs, budget, and goals.

Additional Services

We don’t stop with Amazon and Walmart digital marketing. We offer full FBA and Walmart fulfillment solutions, inventory management, brand control, and other services to help you build a thriving e-commerce brand.

Amazon Digital Marketing

Achieving success on Amazon can be harder than many new resellers assume. It takes more than the right product at the right price. We use cutting-edge digital marketing techniques to get your products in front of your ideal audience. We do this in several ways, including sponsored product, sponsored brand, and sponsored display ads, an accurate SEO strategy, and more. We also use the Amazon Demand Side Platform (DSP) to help programmatically buy ads that will be displayed on Amazon, but also on other sites.

Walmart Digital Marketing

Walmart.com has grown into one of the world’s most popular e-commerce platforms, but making your mark here requires the right digital marketing strategy. We help you make the most of the search feature, ensuring your ads show as organic listings in the search grid. Our strategy also maximizes the value of the product carousel and the all-important buy box. With our experience, analytics, and expert marketing team, it’s simpler than ever to grow your Walmart sales.